Pleasant Mountain trails closed

Scratch off Pleasant Mountain trails to hike during the COVID-19 outbreak.

Loon Echo Land Trust announced Thursday afternoon that all Pleasant Mountain trails are closed until further notice at the request of local first responders.

“Please understand the care that went into this decision. The capacity of our rural healthcare system and the health and safety of first responders are our utmost priority,” Loon Echo officials posted on the organization’s website. “We recognize and appreciate the importance of time outdoors for mental and physical well-being.”

LELT’s 11 other preserves and 20 miles of trail remain open at this time. 

“We encourage you to find respite and relief in nature – be it in your own backyard, on a walk around your neighborhood, or on an easy trail close to your home,” LELT posted.

It is critical that all individuals and families who head outdoors follow guidance from Maine conservation & natural resource officials:

• Find the right time and place

• Be prepared before heading out

• Heed all COVID-19 health warnings.

Please follow all LELT posted use guidelines when visiting LELT preserves.

“These are uncertain and confusing times. We appreciate your patience, understanding, and cooperation as we navigate these uncharted waters together. Conservation is forever. The trees, trails, mountains, and special places we all know and love will be there for us on the other side,” LELT posted. “Stay safe and be well.”