Casco acquires unwanted building

By Dawn De Busk

Staff Writer

CASCO — Thanks to the foreclosure process the Town of Casco ended up becoming the owner of an unsafe structure with trees growing inside the walls, instead of just outside.

Another twist: The building is owned by one person and the land is owned by another person.

“Nothing can be simple,” Casco Town Manager Tony Ward began.

The structure, located at 23 Graffam Road, was discussed under new business on the Casco Select Board agenda during the April 2 meeting.

“I received a concern from individual referencing a dangerous building. The uniqueness of this dangerous building is that it has been unoccupied for 10 years. If you look at it, there are trees growing through it,” Ward said.

The land is owned by Irene Morton, but not the building, Ward said. Apparently, the structure is owned by somebody else, he said.

The tax bill owed on the building is $2,100, Ward stated. 

“The town foreclosed on the building on Feb. 15. It is now a town-owned,” he said.

Selectman Grant Plummer quipped that the town should give it back to the owner, as quickly as possible.

“This thing has been a problem for a long time. We have been trying to avoid having this happen,” Plummer said.

Ward said the town has a responsibility.

“We are the owner of it. At the minimum, we’ll have to secure it for safety purposes,” he said.

Plummer asked, “How do you get a building that is not owned by the landowner where the structure sits?”

Ward answered that the family members never wrote out a lease agreement.

Plummer advised the town manager to:

Ask the hard questions of the town attorney. Be careful about spending a penny.

“By Maine law, we own it,” Ward said.

Plummer suggested selling the building. In the past, the town has sold other structures and properties that were tax acquired.