Casco’s new Comp Plan in planning stages

By Dawn De Busk

Staff Writer

CASCO — It is as rare as a comet that is visible every couple decades. 

But, unlike a blip of light seen from a great distance, the existence of one of these can help to develop a community according to the desires of its residents. 

It is the Town’s Comprehensive Plan.

Right now, Casco is in the early stages of putting together its most recent comp plan. 

The Comprehensive Plan Steering Committee held its first meeting on Jan. 20. That meeting was conducted via Zoom, and it was not video-taped.

Future meetings will be hybrid, according to Casco Town Manager Tony Ward. 

The five people on the Steering Committee are Ryan McAllister, Rae-Ann Nguyen, Jim Wiley, Michelle Williams and Calvin Wilson, according to Ward.

The Casco Board of Selectmen hired Greater Portland Council of Government (GPCOG) to facilitate the comp plan process. The board voted that the cost was not to exceed $72,500. 

Ward discussed the comp plan status just briefly during the selectmen’s meeting on Jan. 18.

“They recommend five to seven people. There are a couple other individuals who might be interested,” Ward said.

The decision was to have the handful of people meet rather than wait until the committee had seven members. 

“Let’s get the steering committee going,” saidSelectman Robert MacDonald.