Casco orders an ambulance

By Dawn De Busk

Staff Writer

CASCO — With the ambulance bids due on the day before Valentine’s Day, the Town of Casco was hoping to get a sweetheart of a deal.

The voters had allocated $305,000 for an ambulance at Casco Special Town Meeting earlier this year.

On Tuesday, the Casco Board of Selectmen chose the bid of $275,718 for a savings of approximately $29,000.

“The good new is they came in [less than] what was expected, which means we will need less from the Unassigned Fund Balance,” Casco Town Manager Courtney O’Donnell said.

The ambulance-manufacturing bids had a deadline of Feb. 13. Two bids were returned to the town on time.

Of the two bids that were received, Autotronics was actually the lowest, coming in at $267,702 for a Braun Chief XL ambulance without some options. With those options included, such as LED fog lights, Ali-Arc bumper and brush guard, and 74-inches of headroom, the total cost was $271,955.

Greenwood Emergency Vehicles cited a cost of $275,718 for a Horton ambulance. Greenwood Emergency has facilities in North Attleboro, Mass., and in Brunswick.

“Chief [Brian] Cole recommends the Horton. Although it costs slightly more, we would receive quicker delivery of the vehicle. It is a product we are familiar with, and the service location is in Brunswick as opposed to Bangor,” O’Donnell said.

“I recommend a motion to award the bid to Greenwood Emergency Vehicles as I believe it would be the most advantageous to the town,” O’Donnell said.

The board voted, 4-0, with Selectman Holly Hancock recusing herself. Hancock is the Casco Fire and Rescue Department assistant chief.