Vernal pool could sink Casco sand shed site

By Dawn De Busk

Staff Writer

CASCO — A vernal pool may throw a wet blanket on the idea of constructing a public works building by the sand shed in Casco.

There is a vernal pool on the town-owned property on Leach Hill Road, according to Casco Town Manager Anthony “Tony” Ward.

While the results do not completely rule out building on the land, a 250-foot setback will be necessary, he said.  

The seasonal pool, which supports animals that develop in an aquatic environment was discovered after the Town of Casco hired a professional company to look at the land.

The company Main-Land Development Consultants, Inc., did the work for the town, providing an existing conditions survey.

Casco has been “continuing the research of the feasibility of a public works facility on town property adjacent to the sand shed,” Ward said.

“The preliminary report related to wetlands and vernal pools on the property — if you look at it… there is a significant vernal pool that will require a 250-foot setback,” Ward said. “So, this is obviously going to impact any planning process down the road, if and where we want to put a public works facility on that property.”

Ward said he was glad that the town decided to get a professional survey of the property this early in the process.

The other site that has been mentioned for public works is the Casco Fire Station. If the ultimate decision is to build a new station, the old station could house the public works department. Currently, public works is located in the building behind the fire station on Meadow Road.

In related business, Ward and Casco Public Works Director Mike Genest attended a Maine local roads training.

The information gained at the workshop was “extremely valuable,” Ward said. 

“We found out there is some ordinance work that we need to do related to sign postage,” he said. “This can be done of the board level, instead of going to town meeting. It comes down to giving the town the authority to post stop signs.”