Player of the Week: Sophia Fagone


Sophia Fagone

Sophia Fagone

It is easy to put on a good face and show great attitude when everything is going well.

But, what about when you are having a bad day?

Good or bad, Sophie Fagone always seems to put her best foot forward.

A co-captain of the Lake Region varsity cheering squad, Sophie “has shown great leadership skills and always has a great attitude even when I know she’s not having a great day,” according to her coach, Kaitlyn Hall. “I wish we had more girls like Sophie. She always leads by example and encourages her team to be the best they can be! I Cant wait to see what this season has in store for us!”

In recognition of her strong work ethic, determination, commitment and good sportsmanship, Sophie is this week’s Boosters and Hancock Lumber “Player of the Week.” Each week, a Lake Region athlete is recognized for his/her dedication (does more than what is asked), work ethic, coachability and academic good standing. Recipients receive a specially-designed T-shirt, sponsored by Hancock Lumber.

The Fagone File

Name: Sophia Fagone

Year in School: Senior

Hometown: Naples

Parents: Kristin Fagone, Mark Noelette

Sports you play: Cheerleading

School organizations: Interact Club

School honors: Vice president of the Senior Class

Why did you choose to play this sport?

Sophie: Because I’ve been a dancer all my life and when I transitioned into high school, I wanted to get involved in a sport, and cheering was the most like dance.

What is the most difficult part of the game?

Sophie: Being a team sport, the hardest part is relying on our whole team to be 100% committed. It’s hard to practice when we have girls missing.

What do you enjoy the most about the sport?

Sophie: I enjoy competing the most because what other sport do you get to get your hair and makeup done.

What do you feel you need to work on and why?

Sophie: We have come a long way and the things we are working on most are expanding our team.

Why is teamwork important?

Sophie: Teamwork is especially important to this sport because we need everyone to make our stunts hit, without one girl, we have no stunt group.

What is the biggest impact your coach(es) have had on you?

Sophie: My coach has had a huge impact on me because she is positive when we need her to be. If everyone is having a bad practice, she is the one to lighten the mood.

How do you want people to view you as an athlete?

Sophie: I want people to view me as an athlete, in general. Some people look at cheering and think of gossiping girls in sports, but we work just as hard as the other sport teams.

Ten years from now, when you look back on your high school sports career, what do you think you will remember most?

Sophie: I will remember my senior year of cheering because I was voted captain and it’s a very big honor.