Player of the Week, Leah Plummer

Leah Plummer

Leah Plummer has been a top-notch athlete in every track and field season in her career, qualifying for the New England championships in every season that the meet was held. 

“More importantly has been her assistance and leadership this season. She is essentially another coach for our team,” Lake Region Indoor Track & Field Coach Mark Snow said. “Leah has sacrificed individual focus at practices to ensure the team is understanding and learning the drills, techniques, andphilosophy of being a member of the Lake Region Track &Field team. On numerous occasions, she has given the team information/knowledge/directions that Coach Caron and I were minutes away from giving them. This season more than any other, we have needed athletes with experience and leadership; Leah has been that for us and more.”

In recognition of her strong work ethic, determination, commitment and good sportsmanship, Leah is this week’s Boosters and Hancock Lumber “Player of the Week.” Each week, a Lake Region athlete is recognized for his/her dedication (does more than what is asked), work ethic, coachability and academic good standing. Recipients receive a specially-designed t-shirt, sponsored by Hancock Lumber.

Athlete Profile: Leah Plummer

Residence: Casco

Year in School: Senior

Parents: Grant and Sally Plummer

Sports you play: Soccer, Indoor and Outdoor Track & Field

School groups/honors: National Honor Society, Interact Club, Newspaper Club, Environmental Club.

Why did you choose Track & Field? I chose this sport because as a child I always loved to run. I did not realize that I would have the opportunity to compete in running as a sport, so when I got the opportunity to be on the track team in middle school I went for it. 

What do you enjoy most about Track & Field? I love how track is both an individual and team sport, with aspects that both make it very independent and team oriented. I also love how it is a community of incredibly supportive people. It has helped me make connections with athletes and coaches from other schools. While you are competing against other people, everyone is kind and encouraging in competition. 

How has competing in sports changed you as a person?

Competing in sports has changed me to be significantly more confident and extroverted. They have also helped me develop leadership qualities, as well as perseverance and problem-solving skills.

During this period of Covid-19, what has been the most difficult adjustment? The most difficult adjustments for me have been learning that I do not always have to be on the go. Before Covid, I became so used to constantly being busy and having someplace to be. When the initial lockdown began, I was very lost at what I should be doing because I felt like I should have been busy when I had nothing to be busy with. I learned to take time for myself and I found things that I enjoy as hobbies, which helped me adjust to these changes. 

What is one of your most memorable sports moments? One of my most memorable sports moments was from my freshman year. I was the slowest person in my race at States and I was not expecting to do very well. I came across the line in second with a big personal record in the 400 meters. My teammates were all so happy for me and it was so unexpected that it is definitely a front runner in the most memorable moments. 

What is your most disappointing sports memory? I think my most disappointing sports memory was on March 13th of 2020 when the report that spring sports would be officially suspended came out in the newspaper. I remember thinking there was no way that it could all just end without even starting and before I knew it, it was the winter season of the next year and I was still unable to compete because track meets required so many people to work and the facilities that we use for the indoor meets was not available. I remember being heartbroken that I had to go longer without the sport that means so much to me.

How has sports prepared you for your future? My sports have prepared me for the future by teaching me to push myself, have confidence and persevere through difficulty. I feel that each of these will help me significantly in my later life and my career path. 

Name a coach who has made a difference in your life and in what way? My track coach, Mark Snow, has made a huge difference in my life. He has shown so much love for the sport and he has taught me so much about it. He has been a person who has always been enthusiastic and helped me toward my goals. He motivates me to continue working and continues to teach me new things about this sport. 

What are your future goals? My future goals are to go to college with a major in Political Science in pursuit of a degree in law, from there I plan on becoming a civil rights attorney. 

Ten years from now, when you look back on your high school sports career, what do you think you will remember most? I think that I will most remember the community that Track & Field has built in my life. I have made so many connections with people all over the state and other parts of the country through track and it has added so much joy to my life. The people are tremendous and I am so thankful for everyone I have connected with through my years on the Track & Field team.