Letter: Duffy

To The Editor:

We have transitioned from a post-Christian culture to a post-rational culture. We “progressed” from a culture where most people believed Christian teachings on right and wrong were absolutes to a culture where right and wrong are now equivalent to mere preferences. This type of thinking is not unprecedented. What is new, and unique to us “moderns” is to have a large part of our population commit to living in lies and promulgating lies. And, extremely damaging lies that rob people of the essence of what it means to live, love and experience “joy” in this world. And most tragically, lies that put peoples’ eternal salvation in jeopardy.  

The big three lies: abortion on demand is based on the lie that what is being intentionally killed is not a human being. The marriage “equality” movement is based on the lie that the potential for procreation is irrelevant. And, gender theory is based on the lie that male and female are social constructs.  

All of mankind knew the truth on these three subjects up until 10 minutes ago. 

The end game of the people behind this movement is to habituate us to distrust our own minds. The “smart people” in schools, universities and government will tell us what an unborn baby is, what marriage is, what a man is, what a woman is, what’s real. We are being Gaslighted! 

How do lies become entrenched in our culture? I, and other men like me, did not fulfill our God given responsibilities to protect our families and society. We allowed lies to be promulgated as truth. We allowed our taxes and political representatives to put the force of law behind lies. In short, we (men) are cowards. I encourage men of goodwill to stand for truth while you’re still allowed to. God help us!

Joseph Duffy
