Brewery proposal tabled to August

By Lisa Williams Ackley

Staff Writer

The Bridgton Planning Board has once again tabled the application for the Mount Henry Brewing Company proposed for Portland Road — this time until its August meeting.

At their July 10 meeting, Planning Board Chairman Steve Collins announced that the board had received an e-mail from applicants Robert Prindall and Angela Roux saying "they will not be able to present the storm water survey" this month that the board had requested in order for them to satisfy requirements of the Site Plan Review Ordinance regarding stormwater runoff and any potential groundwater pollution.

"They hope to have it presented at the August planning board meeting," said Collins, which will be held Aug. 7.

So, the planning board unanimously approved a motion to take the Mount Henry Brewing Company application "off the table" and place it on their August agenda.

However, planning board member Dee Miller asked what would happen if the applicants don't bring the requested information to the board's August and/or September meetings.

Asked Miller, "How long does it take? I don't think it (the application process) should last forever."

Planning Board member Brian Thomas said he had been told there is a possibility the brewery application may be withdrawn if the sale of the property to the applicants does not take place.

Thomas said he was told the purchase of the property on Portland Road, where the brewery would be located, might not happen, saying, "They said if they're not going to buy the place, they don't want to pay for the (stormwater runoff) survey."

Thomas then asked what would happen if the applicants do not attend the August planning board meeting.

"We could say this application has lapsed," Chairman Collins said.

"We've run into this before, where things have been on the (planning board's) table for a year, or two or three," said Bridgton Code Enforcement Officer Rob Baker.

Baker then read a section of the Bridgton Site Plan Review Ordinance that states the planning board can request additional information from an applicant that, "if not submitted within three months from the planning board's request, the application becomes null and void."

MDOT cold storage building approved

The planning board gave its unanimous preliminary approval to the Maine Department of Transportation's plans to construct a 40-foot by 60-foot cold storage building at its property on Route 302 conditional upon MDOT paying the fee required and ensuring that exterior lighting "is shielded and downward facing."

Approvals by CEO

Applications that do not require planning board approval that have been approved by CEO Baker per the Bridgton Site Plan Review Ordinance include:

• Perry Greengrocer, a fruit and vegetable stand at 16 Depot Street;

• Central Maine Power Company's additions and renovations at their facility at 133 Portland Road; and

• Hakuna Matata by Paul A. Dubrule for a residence (rental apartments) and retail operations at 187 Main Street.

"I think it's very encouraging to see Depot Street commercial properties being rented, as well as the south side of Main Street," Chairman Collins said. "That, again, is very encouraging."