LR student receives art excellence award

EXCELLENCE IN ART — Ashley Kilgore was honored by Maine's First Lady Ann LePage and Maine Arts Commission chairman Charles Stanhope at the State House.

EXCELLENCE IN ART — Ashley Kilgore was honored by Maine's First Lady Ann LePage and Maine Arts Commission chairman Charles Stanhope at the State House.

Lake Region High School student Ashley Kilgore has received an award for her excellence in art.

The award was presented as part of the Maine Youth Excellence in Art; Celebrating Student Art initiative, which was spearhead by Maine’s First Lady Ann LePage. All schools in Maine, divided by counties, were eligible to participate, but only five pieces of artwork were chosen from each county.

LRHS visual art teacher Carmel Ann Collins discussed with Ashely and her family the possibility of submitting one piece of her artwork. Both Ashley and her family were excited by the prospect of the “competition.”

Under the guidance of Ms. Collins, Ashley began the process of choosing her subject and medium.

“Ashley is a very talented artist. She took a lot of time in choosing her subject, which was her pet cat, and took many photographs in different settings until she found the right one,” Collins said. “Ashley is not only a very talented student, she is patient and articulate, and very modest. Her award was well deserved.”

ASHLEY'S ART is part of the state exhibit.

ASHLEY'S ART is part of the state exhibit.

Ashley and her family, along with art teacher Collins, were all invited to a recognition ceremony in the Hall of Flags at the State Capitol Complex in Augusta. A small reception was held, where students were presented with their award certificates from the first lady and Charles Stanhope, chairman of the Maine Arts Commission.

Ashley’s artwork will be on view with the other student artwork until mid-May, 2015. Viewing times are Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

To view the exhibit online,