Hotel appeal in holding pattern; developer busy with apartment complex and other projects

Hotel appeal in holding pattern; developer busy with apartment complex

While many remain shuttered due to Covid-19, local developer Justin McIver and his Main Eco Homes crew is charging ahead.

Planning and building continue during this unprecedented shutdown.

“We’re staying pretty busy,” McIver said during an interview with The News regarding his 144 Main Street project.

Irons in the fire include:

• Drafting of various designs for development of the corner lot at Pondicherry Square. McIver is actively marketing the property to land tenants. Once interested parties are in place, a proposal will go to the Planning Board, and after approval, demolition of existing buildings will take place.

• Housing remains in demand as McIver reported that the third complex as part of Lakewood Apartments will be completed soon, and a fourth building set to be ready for occupancy in October.

The plan calls for a total of eight buildings on property off from Portland Road. This fall, MEH will start constructing buildings five and six, with an expected occupancy being spring 2021.

• Meanwhile, the Hotel Bridgton appeal awaits being placed on the Superior Court docket, a time uncertain due to the present shutdown due to Covid-19.

McIver said both his company and the Town of Bridgton (attorney representing the Planning Board and its decision to approve the project) were willing to waive oral arguments before the court and allow a judge to review deliberations leading up to project approval. 

“But, opponents (Save Kennard Street) want to proceed with oral arguments so we’ll have to wait until we get a court date,” McIver said.